About Fizzer
About Site
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Fizzer?
Fizzer is a computer virus that infects all 32-bit (95 and newer) version of Microsoft Windows. The worm includes
many "features", including the ability to connect to IRC servers.
- Who is the Fizzer Task Force?
The Fizzer Task Force is a large collection of individuals from over 80 IRC networks working together to try to
hold back or destroy this worm.
- Where can I find the Fizzer Task Force?
We have collected ourselves together on a small IRC network, irc.realmnet.com. Please ask someone to be invited in
to #fizzer when you get there.
- I cannot join #fizzer! It asks me for a key.
To join the channel, you must be invited. To be invited, change your nickname to the format nick[network], ie
Bob[DALnet], to indicate where you are from. Then type /names #fizzer to get a list of the users in the
channel. Ask one of the operators (@ in front of name) to invite you in, and you should be invited in to the
channel shortly.
- How do I identify the Fizzer bots?
All of the bots can be identified on your IRC network because of a pattern used in their identification. When you
/whois a bot, you will see information such as:
zACHAr1 is ~AngeliBla@nf83.d821aberd.someisp.com * Blake Angeli
In this example, you can see that the user name "Blake Angeli" is used to generate the ident, "AngeliBla". All of
the bots use this same convention.
- My network is full of the worm bots! How can I get rid of them?
There are several methods, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, to remove the Fizzer worm bots from
your network.
- G-line or AKill the bots (really not recommended because you are just passing your problem to another
- Point irc.yournetwork.com to a "dummy ircd", which sends a NOTICE to the connector to connect to
irc2.yournetwork.com, which will be your real round-robin DNS for now. There are a million ways to implement this
"dummy ircd". On Mysteria they just wrote it in BASH. The Fizzer Task Force site
contains links to C programs that work, and the BASH script from Mysteria.
- You can crash the virus itself by sending a message to them (including in channel, private, and even in the
topic), containing 001PING , such as 001PING 111111111111. For reasons yet unknown, this causes
most of them to crash.
- The bots are all gone from my network! Is it over?
No, it's probably not over. This will likely last for a very long time. If you remove the bots from your network,
they will usually just connect elsewhere, since the bot restarts itself.
Also try this other Fizzer FAQ page: http://www.asylumnet.org/fizzer/fizzerfaq.html